A little bit about me:

Software Engineer / Gamer / Fitness / Foodie / Farm Boy

You might be wondering why the dash is filled with sugarcane. I come from an island in the Phillipines called Negros Occidental where 51% of the island is planted with it! In 2012, I moved to San Francisco for college taking up business administration as my major. After that, I ventured into the restaurant industry and in July 2020 I began my journey into the wondorous world of tech. I gained my skills and knowledge from App Academy, a full-stack coding bootcamp, and couldn't have been happier with my experience! I got to partake in pair programming, as well as build a full-stack project alongside a team. Today, I'm looking to expand my knowledge and collaborate with others to build and work on projects that will leave it's audience in 😲.

👉 Resume

Technology and skills I bring to the table

  • Debugging
  • Collaboration
  • Quick-learner
  • Problem solver
  • Self-starter
  • Creativity

PS. ☝️ Not a full list of technologies. Check out the full list on my resume!

Projects I've worked on

All sites presented here are hosted on either Heroku or on Github pages. Click the images to check them out!

🍽️ AllMyVeryBestRecipes (Down)

Rough clone of allrecipes.com. Users are able to create secure accounts, share recipes, review other users recipes, and create a personal shopping list. The site utilizes React and Redux to allow users to weave through it seamlessly and the backend runs on Ruby on Rails alongside PostgreSQL.

📋 Mama's Helper (Down)

A management assistance web app running on MERN that provides users all the tools necessary to keep track of their daily tasks. Depending on the users account type, tasks can also be assigned to other users.

🔥 Fireball Hero

Vanilla Javascript browser game that requires the user to control the avatar to dodge incoming fireballs. Virtual DOM is manipulated to create the sensation of animation.

Contact Me

  • ✉️ jmcbgaston@gmail.com
  • 📱 +1(609)901-0642